Dark Heresy.
A Frigid Beginning.
Hoyland's Hope
Hive-World: Segmentum Ultra
Chapter 1;
Narrator: The frigid air in the Gun-Cutter reflected the oft-times attitude of it's owner as it descended through the air of the ice-world. It's cold metal decks were no recipient of any more heat than was necessary to prevent illness in its occupants. The team had finally been assembled from some smaller sub-cells that Hardian had working for him previously. The six of them waited in the forward hold for their master to appear and explain the situation.
First of all, alphabetically, there was Brutilla von Solarus. A noble turned preacher, and a woman of some honour who had first attracted Hardian's attention exposing the Xenophilious nature of an opposing house.
Then there was Cain, the Assassin could be as cold as the cabin's temperature and much more deadly given time and distance.
Then there was Cortez Sigismund, a stolid and reliable soldier of noble birth with a natural air of command about him.
Narrator: Fenrila stood slightly apart as most psykers do, her power formidable, and ironically she was the least cold able to at least internalise a little of her power to keep warm.
Hal was a Tech Priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus and had his dependable 'hound' by his side as he soothed it with Binary Chatter.
Then there was Rat. Yes. There was Rat. Who after attempting to steal a sameterware vase from the Inquisitors office had been informed in oh so polite terms that if she so much as laid a finger on one more thing that was not hers on the Gun-Cutter that Hardian would remove all her fingers and have them re-attached to her forehead.
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi walked into the Cabin resplendent in black power armour, more impressive was the pair of Deathwatch Space Marines on either side of him standing near two foot taller than the Inquisitor.
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: "Congratulations, you have all proven yourself capable acolytes." Hardian said his gaze deliberately passing over Rat without stopping while he spared a moments glance for the others. Rat was a useful creature, but Hardian couldn't help but think it'd be much simpler if he shot the urchin in the head, the Arbites would probably thank him for it.
"Unfortunately, we are here to investigate a most grave matter indeed. It is suspected that there is a Genestealer Cult here on Hoyland's Hope, you'll be descending to Level LV-426 and investigating the matter. Your duty is to locate this den if it exists. LOCATE only, if you encounter Genestealers you are to immediately get out of there and establish contact with me. The Brothers with me, and I, will conduct the purge. Your sole duty is to give us a target. Questions?"
Rat : Rat pipes up without so much as a second of hesitation, "Yeah. What do I do if these two try to shoot me again, exactly?"
Cortez Sigismund : "Hold still this time" Cortez replied
Hal: Hal spoke up in binary before he switched it off and went for his flesh voice, ignoring the others. "Apologies. I forgot you were not as blessed by the Omnisiah. Sadly this way of communication takes longer but it will have to suffice, despite the flaws of it, are there any suspects of this Xenos infestation already present? Or do you perhaps have some biological markers I can present to honourable K-9 here to 'sniff' out the Xenos inconsistencies?"
Brutilla von Solarus : She sighed and shook her head, "I did not shoot you, it was a accident. Please for the love of the God-Emperor we are here to carry out his work."
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: Hardian turned to the others. "Ok, in the subject of Rat. Please, do not try and shoot her again. Anyone who takes the pleasure from me will be censured heavily for it."
Hadrian turned to Hal. "We have no samples of the Xenos on Hope to provide you with, the Xenos infestation is suspected and not confirmed, that's why you were brought in. The only actionable Intel we have is that they are somewhere in Level LV-426.
Fenrila : She was humming softly to herself, but her eyes were looking everywhere, glancing at the two hulking figures beside the Inquisitor for a moment before she quickly looked away. They saw her didn't they, they did, they must have, they have all those fancy things, those superhuman things, the could probably see her even if she was invisible. She blinked when she noticed she was biting the inside of her cheek and shook her head, clearing it from those thoughts. "How do we recognize Genestealer taint? Are they one of those races that... react... to me?"
Rat : Rat scratches her cheek. Rough crowd... "Right. Any helpful leads, then? Or just more 'go here and pray you ain't xeno lunch'?"
Cortez Sigismund : "Xeno's wouldt try to eat you anyway vermin."
Hal: Hal blinked and turned to the 'Rat' cog of this machine they were assembling. "You wish to become lunch? How curious for a organic."
Rat : "Hey, maybe then I'll have a chance to be rid of your insufferable ass then. If they go for the squeaky clean behind the ears nobles like you first, at least. Maybe loony is more to their taste, though..." She eyes Fenrila uncertainly. She was wigging out on them again.
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: Hadrian flicked a switch next to him and a hologram of a Genestealer floated there. "The Genestealer is a horrific creature, two arms that can rend the plate of Terminator Armour, a natural preponderance for speed and stealth as well as its most unsettling ability, the ability to hypnotise and modify humans to bear offspring."
"Do not understimate them or their offspring." More holograms show up. "First generation: The first generation Hybrids are born to human (or otherwise) parents, one of which has been infected. Of all the generations they resemble Genestealers most closely. They have either three or four arms.
Second generation: Second generation hybrids always possess three arms, one of which ends in the genestealer claw.
Third Generation: These hybrids possess bodies somewhere between the crouched bodies of genestealers and the humanoid shapes of humans. They appear perpetually crouched, possess two or three arms one of which might end in a genestealer claw. Some lack the ovipositor of preceding generations; these are called drones or neuters, although they can still infect other races through their blood.
Fourth Generation: This generation is virtually indistinguishable from members of the host species. They retain the hypnotic gaze of genestealers, making them rather charismatic. A "mutant" which can appear among this generation is the Magus, which takes the highest position in a Genestealer Cult, besides the Genestealer Patriarch. The first offspring of fourth generation hybrids are invariably purestrain genestealers, allowing the cycle to continue."
Cain "Grim" Callidon : Cain frowned. "How... tough... are these xenos things?"
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: "If you see a Purestrain Genestealer." Hardian replied, "Run, and pray you run faster than anyone else near you."
Rat : "Don't have to tell me twice, boss."
Brutilla von Solarus : She waited for the inquisitor to answer the query of Cortez and then voiced her own concerns. "Do we have a cover for a group like us arriving her at this point in time? And, I suppose if regular people would see any of the... generations 1 through 3, they might think them mutants, so would looking for rumours about mutants be a way to find them?"
Narrator: From the aft decks a Serf comes out and hands a small datapad to Fenrila.
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: "The Genestealer Hybrids go to great lengths to conceal their presence, the fact we have advance warning at all is a blessing. There may be rumours about other cult activities, the Genestealers often go under the guise of another Cult. As for cover. There is no pre-defined cover. The safest bet is that you're free-agents on leave." Hardian responded with a nod.
Fenrila : She reads the contents and then nods slowly, more to convince herself and puts the data-slate away in her backpack.
Rat : Rat arches a brow, looking at Hardian, "Excuse me. Isn't this a hive world? I don't know about the rest of these guys, but I would have no problems fitting in." She muses the idea, mulling it over in her head... Perhaps if everyone died she could just join a hive gang for a while. Lay low. Pick up some Thrones. Then get out of there before the Ordo decided to purge the whole place... Maybe.
Hal: The Mastiff barked and Hal petted it, cooing in binary chatter. "Yes I quite agree with the honourable K-9, we are eager to sink our cybernetic fangs into this case. Though who is our mission leader, to have a purpose, one must have a master control circuit."
Rat : "Was that supposed to be a cheap shot, scrap-heap?" Rat glares.
Cortez Sigismund : "Cheap suits you vermin." Cortez said with a grin.
Hal: Hal blinked and stared at Rat. "Cheap shot> That depends on the munition used, bolt ammo is quite expensive. Clarify please."
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: "Not her." Was the Inquisitors first response. "Cortez will be in over-all command, though if the team needs to divide for any reason, Brutilla will command any separated group."
Fenrila : Fenrila shrugged, nobles in charge? Standard affair of the Imperium, or at least they thought they were in charge most of the time... but if the Inquisitor says so, then it must be for the mission at least.
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: The light in the bay turned red. "Five minutes until touchdown, is there anything further before I issue the special equipment for this mission?"
Brutilla von Solarus : She shook her head lightly, her eyes determined with religious fervor as she considered the task... or should she say tasks ahead.
Rat : "Yes. Are you sure I can't have a transfer? Maybe to a nice cushiony desktop? I could be a paper jockey. I'm sure of it."
desk job*
Cortez Sigismund : Cortez rubbed his chin for a moment before glancing sideways at rat. "Aside from not killing the vermin and not engaging the cult are we operating under any other restrictions?"
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: Hardian looked at Rat. "Why yes, I could have your Transferred to a Penal Legion before the day is out."
Rat : "Death to all Xenos it is then, boss."
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: Turning back to Cortez. "Collateral damage in the pursuit of your duties is, I hope, to be avoided. But if necessary the valiant citizens of the Imperium should be happy to give up their lives for you to see your mission through to completion. But..."
He paused dramatically. "If there is ANY sign that this taint is real and spreads to the planetary authorities you must investigate, at all costs."
Rat : "You mean -I- might get to bust Arbites instead of the other way around? This is actually starting to sound like fun!"
Cortez Sigismund : "It is better to die for the emperor than live for ones self." Cortez said quietly to himself.
Hal: Hal was silent, though his Mechadendrite twitched in excitement at the prospect of 'special equipment'. The mechadendrite with needles that accidentally flashed before Fenrila's face.
Cain "Grim" Callidon : "I was always more partial to making them die for their leaders Cort." The assassin remarked at Cortez with a cold grin. "Hal knows what I mean."
Cortez Sigismund : Hearing the rats comment Cotrez glared at the thing and then looked back to the inquisitor, can we wound this thing so long as we don't kill it?" he asked motioning towards rat.
Fenrila : Fenrila saw the needles and let out a yelp, pushing her back to the bulkhead of the vessel and then closed her eyes, suppressing the memories.
Cain "Grim" Callidon : "Oy, careful around the ladies with the needles Hal, you're an Tech Priest, not a tattooist." Cain brushed the Mechadendrite away from Fenrila. "You ok?"
Fenrila : She blinked and looked at the assassin, just nodding. "Fine... don't like needles." She muttered and nervously looked at the tech priest.
Rat : "If he was, I'd have asked for a new electoo already," Rat shrugs, looking at Fenrila. "Hey, Nutter. Relax. It's not like he's going to turn you into a pincushion right here in front of the boss."
She pauses for a moment, "He'll at least let us touch dirt first."
Hal: Hal looked confused, not like needles? Illogical. But then turned back to the inquisitor, his various technological bits shivering in anticipation.
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: Hardian ushered forwards a few of his equerries. "The first piece of equipment," He handed on to each of the team members, a slender rod about thirty centimetres in length and five or so thick studded with runic icons in high gothic. Hal would recognise it instantly as a teleporter beacon. "Is a teleport beacon, once, if, you find a genestealer nest, get somewhere relatively open and twist the top end to activate it. Then stand clear."
The next was a small container containing a single pill. "If you find yourself captured by a Genestealer Cult, swallow this."
Hal: He held the rod in his hands, stroking it soothingly to appease the machine spirits contained within.
Rat : "It's not a fun kind of pill... Is it, boss?..."
Fenrila : She looked at the pill in her hand. She was about to ask the same question as Rat and then just closed her mouth, waiting for the answer.
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: "It's a microscopic sample of the life-eater virus, enough to kill you quickly before they can.... turn you." Hardian replied.
Hal: Hal resisted the urge to examine the pill more thoroughly, if only he had more data on the Biologus!
Fenrila : She looked at the pill hard, swallowed and then put it in a pocket.
Cortez Sigismund : Cortez glanced between the pill and rat for a few moments open consideration on his face about force feeding the vermin the pill... before he pocketed it in his vest pocket.
Cain "Grim" Callidon pocketed the pill and rod with little concern. Yet.
Rat : Rat purses her lips before putting it in a safe place. She had to seriously consider whether or not to take it now and spare herself another dreadful experience with the rest of this group... Definitely not worth it, she liked living well enough. Regardless of what the whole lot claimed about the God-Emperor, she still had her doubts she'd be anything but carrion after death.
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: Hardian turned to Cortez and Brutilla passing each a dataslate. "On this is software to take control of any Vox system in the Hive. Use it only in emergencies to contact me. And Hal, don't try and sneak one off of them to take a look. Your mechanicus already knows how it works, they're the ones who provided me with it."
Brutilla von Solarus : She looked at the pill with distaste, but from what she gathered about these genestealers and infecting human subjects, dead was preferable she supposed. Thanking the inquisitor with a respectful nod for the dataslate.
Rat : Rat eyes the dataslates, wondering how much she could get from a single one of those given its capabilities...
Hal: Hal perked up at what he heard, but then drooped his shoulders and Mechadendrite in disappointment.
Cortez Sigismund : "Try it vermin." Cortez says as he notices the look rat was giving the dataslates, he patted the chain-knife on his hip before he took his dataslate and popped it away securely on his person
Rat : "I didn't do a thing," She raises her hands innocently, looking away.
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: The light turned green. "Ten seconds to touchdown." Hardian waited before a jarring slam was felt through the whole ship. "Now, get to work, and take that thing with you." He points at Rat.
Rat : Rat raises a brow, grin spreading, "Oh you know you love me, boss. Just admit it and enough with the name calling... Unless you're into that sort of thing. I haven't had a nice rough tumble for awhile, after all."
Inquisitor Hardian Van Telserine Del Shanxi: Hardian looked at Rat. "I'd sooner tumble with a Catachani Devil than you. Without drink."
Cortez Sigismund : Cortez gave rat a hard shove towards the end of the ramp before heading out himself.
Rat : "Jealous?" Rat all but purrs at Cortez as he shoves her.
Cortez Sigismund : "You want to get shot again don't you." Cortez sneered at the rat.
Brutilla von Solarus : She stood up and followed after Cortez, walking beside him and then turning to converse. "What is the plan, ser Cortez?"
Narrator: The landing pat was high in the hive, some seven kilometres above the cloud layer, little more than platform a hundred and fifty metres across, from within the large hatch at the end a team of Servitors emerged and began hooking up the Gun-Cutter to the services as a small man approached the team, once finally outside of the Guncutter its hatches slammed shut leaving the team facing the fellow.
Hal: Hal stood up and muttered in binary cant to his Mastiff who followed loyally, a new world, a new adventure for a emissary of the Omnisiah.
NPC: The small officious man seemed to be about as round across as he was tall and spoke with a heavy nasal voice. "Welcome to Hoyland's Hope. Purpose for Visit?" He took out a dataslate.
Rat : "Pleasure," Rat purrs out instantly.
Fenrila : Fenrila quietly waited till everyone else had gone... or she thought she did when she saw Cain still there with a gulp and weak smile she stood up and nodded to him before quickly getting off, looking for danger, there was always danger, especially for one like her.
Cortez Sigismund : "Personal leave." Cortez replied while glaring at the rat.
Rat : "Why so serious, darling? It's our honeymoon, after all!" she smirks, pressing closer to Cortez.
Cortez raised his hand and delivered a backhanded slap to the rat.
NPC: "Personal leave." The Official nodded. Looking at the display. "I can see why. If I had a wife like that i'd have her muzzled.... and bathed."
Cortez Sigismund : "Id rather shoot her if she were actually my wife... make that I'd rather shoot myself." Cortez said to the official
Rat : Rat winces and rubs her cheek, "I should have listened to my mother about you! Sure, its all fine when you want a roll in sheets, but nooo, once we're out in public, you're ashamed of me!"
NPC: The man pretended he didn't see anything. "Names of yourself and party please." He asked.
Brutilla von Solarus : She turned to Rat, irritated at the display of someone who should feel honoured to be in a Inquisitorial team with her low birth and all. "Be silent and let your... husband speak."
Rat crosses her arms, looking away. Stupid nobles ganging up on her. She moves back to stand beside Fenrila, leaning back just a bit to inspect her posterior curiously.
Fenrila : She looked alarmed when she noticed Rat staring at her behind and turned to her and then tried to look at her own ass. "What? What!? Is there something on me!?"
Cain "Grim" Callidon : Cain glared at Rat. "Yes, she has an ass too. Fen may be a psyker, that doesn't make her a mutant too."
Rat : Rat presses a finger to her lips, nodding to the Priest before mimicking like she was zipping her lips. She couldn't tell the psyker there -wasn't- something on her, after all.
Hal: Hal stepped forwards and puffed himself up as best he could. "Tech Priest Hal, servant of the blessed Omnisiah and caretaker of the honourable K-9." He made the symbol of the sacred Cog.
Cain "Grim" Callidon : "Cain Callidon, with Personnel, Hiring and Firing." Cain said making the sign of the Cog.
Cortez Sigismund : Sighing at Brutilla's... poor choice of words... he focused on the official again. " Sergeant Cortez Sigismund." Cortez said before turning and gesturing towards Brutilla, "The Lady Brutilla Von Solarius," Then the psyker, "Fenrilla, imperial sanctioned psyker, and that thing... I don't know that it even has a name..." Cortez finished introducing those that had not given their own names as he gestured vaguely at the rat.
NPC: "Ah." The official headed over to Hal. "The Adeptus Mechanicus Enclave requested I pass this onto you when you arrived. So sorry for the delay." He returned to glance at the others. "Expected time of stay?"
Brutilla von Solarus : Brutilla spoke up at that, "For as long as it takes to cleanse souls of wickedness." She did not specify which souls.
NPC: The Official frowned and glared at Brutilla. "I'm issuing you with one week Visitation Authority. If your stay looks like it is going to exceed this, please see the immigration office on Sublevel 1099." He passed out some cards printed out of his dataslate and shuffled off back inside.
Rat : "Did he just say... Authority?" Rat grins.
Cortez Sigismund : "Well then.. you shutup..." Cortez said trying to forestall the rat
Brutilla von Solarus : She watched the official leave and then turned to Cortez. "A week, well then, where shall we start?"
Rat : She opens her mouth to offer her own opinion, sees the expressions on the nobles' faces and decided she really would rather not get shot at -this time-.
Cortez Sigismund : "Actually... as much as it pains me to admit..." Cortez says with a sigh. " Vermin... You're more familiar with the dregs of society than most of us, where ywould you go to start seeking mutants?" Cortez says.
Cain "Grim" Callidon : Cain shook his head. "How about inside for a start, its fething freezing up here." With that he advanced inside trying to politely usher Fenrila in before she froze to death.
Fenrila : She let out a eep and was about to hurl fire but noticed it was Cain and relaxed, a little, he was good people. "Uhm yes, inside sounds nice."
Hal: Hal shuffled towards Cortez, the token he had received clutched tight in his hand. "My apologies but I must attend pressing matters, I need to go to the Mechanicus Enclave. Perhaps I can meet up with you all to a place of establishment we can call headquarters?"
Rat : Rat nods, "Talk on the way, then." She states, draping an arm about Fenrila lazily and using her as a personal heater. The Psyker had her uses.
Cortez Sigismund : Now that someone had called attention to the temperature Cortez did start to feel somewhat chilled, so he nodded to the assasain and headed inside himself.
Fenrila : She flinched at the personal touch of Rat but again relaxed, a little. "Could you please remove that arm." She asked, trying to sound convincing but probably sounding scared.
Rat : Rat looks at her, "I would, but I'm keeping you safe, Fen. I'd tell you what from, but I'm not allowed to say."
Hal: He figured he must have been speaking in binary again and repeated the question to Cortez. "Flesh voices are such a burden... mind if I install a perfectly logical vox-synthesizer so you can commune in Binary?"
Rat : As they get inside, Rat draws away, feeling better with the artificially sustained environment. It was more like home, but still not quite there. She looks to Cortez, "You really want my opinion on this one?"
Cortez Sigismund : "As painful as it is to admit, yes." Cortez replied. as much as he disliked the creature he had to agree with the inquisitors assement of it when they had spoken privately aboard the guncutter, 'The Rat' had its uses.
NPC: A figure walked up out of the Dark, a velvet purple coat on and walked up to Cain without a steps deviance. "Ah I was told you would be arriving, we have a little something for you, good pay, needs to be done inside of a week."
Cain "Grim" Callidon : Cain pocketed the small slate. "It'll get done." He bowed once.
NPC: The man returned the bow and left the way he came.
Rat : Rat nods, "Check out the local gangs and arbites on the floor in question. Look for areas suspiciously avoided by the former or possibly of low crime rate with the latter. Could narrow it down to an lower area. I mean, hiver gangs, they have their own turfs established and tend to keep them controlled."
Cain "Grim" Callidon : Cain looked around, born on a Forgeworld this dilapidated hive hardly impressed him. "Perhaps we should see to lodging near LV-426 first, give us somewhere to work from?" And it'd give him a chance to check out the contract in private.
Cortez Sigismund : "Agreed, we need base of operations." Cortez said as he started moving to find transport to the lower levels. "Lets head out and see what we can find."
Cain "Grim" Callidon paused long enough to reverse his Chameleon cloak so that its adaptive surface was underneath leaving the black side facing out. No need to stand out.
Rat : Rat freezes as she notices the butterfly light tough as the man in passing slipped something in her pocket. She acts like it was nothing but nods, "With you on this one, Sij. Let's bunk down."
Brutilla von Solarus : "Agreed, we can make a plan from there." She nodded and murmured a soft prayer to the emperor as she walked.
Rat : Rat purposedly begins to blather nothing in an attempt to distract Brutila from her prayers. The muttering got annoying and she might just be a bit vindictive about that command earlier.
Cortez Sigismund : Cortez feels a slight tugging at his sleeve and stops to see Hal trying to get his attention. he cast his mind back trying to think of what the techpreist had said earlier before it came to him... "The enclave you said...If you must, it should be easy enough to get a message to you there, ask if your bretheren have any information about the case while you're there, we may as well cover all bases." Cortez said ignoring the second comment he recalled Hal saying.
Hal: "Of course!" He said, surprised and shocked, as if he would not ask his fellow Tech priests, they were, with the exception of Cain, the only people who he would have a intelligent conversation with.
With that he walked away, K-9 following his master.
Cain "Grim" Callidon gave Hal the sign of the Cog before he turned to make his way to the Enclave.
Narrator: The team busy working out where to stay finds several places of note. Finally they were preparing to decide, but Rat herself was a problem, being unwelcome in there.
Rat : Rat takes a chance, walking over and tapping the shoulder of a younger highborn and puts on her best flirtatious face as she leans in, "Looking for a good time, kid?" Given how stuck up the nobles apparently were being, she was going to need a new set of clothes before she was even remotely able to slip in there.
Narrator: "Always toots. What ya got in mind?" He winked lasciviously at her.
Rat : Rat smiles and leans in and whispers, "Well, I wouldn't mind a nice tumble. Could get us a room, but not opposed to the alley, sweetie."
Narrator: "Feel free to show me the goods, then we'll see." He remarked and passed her a small bottle of perfume, "And a liberal dose of that if you don't mind terribly much."
Rat : Rat bites back a comment, about to imply something about the noble and his mother with the perfume before spritzing it over herself, looking at him before promptly hooking her thumbs under the edges of her shirt and flashing the noble. "These pass inspection?"
NPC: The noble snorts and walks off. "They're nice enough, thanks for the look." And heads into the Bishop with mocking laughter.
Rat : Rat's jaw drops as she just stands there, huffing before going over and grabbing Cortez by his jacket, "Let me wear your stupid coat and someone's hat to at least get inside. Otherwise, we're staying at some place more suited to -my- tastes."
Cortez Sigismund: "Take your hands off the cloth, vermin. because there is no way in hell you are wearing my coat. Besides its far too big for you." Cortez raised an eyebrow and stared rat down while he waited for her to unhand him.
Rat : Rat releases and crosses her arms, "Just because I'm small... I could hike it up or something, you know!"
Brutilla von Solarus : "I don't think those bouncers would fall for it even if you did that Rat." Brutilla said in response.
Cain "Grim" Callidon : Cain turns to Fenrila. "Is she talking about her pants or Cortez's jacket?"
Rat : "It fooled the guards at your family's estate, Tilly," she retorts.
Fenrila : Fenrila just looked on, not understanding what was going, she just shivered again at the feeling she got when they were at that one place, the Phoenix. Cain's question snapped her out of her thoughts and she turned and shrugged. "I have no idea."
Cortez Sigismund: Cortez checked his pockets before buried his face in his hand as he listened to the others before groaning quietly but audibly, he was probably going to regret this. "lets go find a suitable merchant to get something that actually fits."
Brutilla von Solarus : "Yes but it didn't fool me once I caught up with you, best remember that." She then went quiet and simply nodded, agreeing with Cortez.
Rat : "Only if you pay for it. I'm still more than happy to stay at the Brass Icon," she snorts.
Brutilla von Solarus : After a moment of thought she stopped and turned to Cortez. "Perhaps I can stay behind while you are off to... clothe the poor. I can already start our purpose for being here."
Cortez Sigismund: "Do you have funds enough for enough rooms for the six of us?" Cortez asked , not seeing any problem with brutilla's suggestion.
Brutilla von Solarus : "I have some funds, but I imagine a extended stay will empty my purse, when joining the Ecclesiarchy I decided not to stay dependent on my family for wealth you see."
Cortez Sigismund: "I see." Cortez said as he fished out approximately one thousand thrones in large denomination coins and passed them to Brutilla. "I on the other hand gladly accept the credit line my family extends to do the emperors work."
Brutilla von Solarus : She took the thrones with a nod. "So I see... best of luck." She said to Cortez and then glanced at Rat. "I have a feeling you need it more than we do."
Rat : Rat mocks a deep curtsey, "Thank you for your concern, Tilly. It's most heartwarming." She flutters her eyes and makes a kissy face mockingly.
Cortez Sigismund: Cortez clips the rat around the back of the head as he turns to walk away. "Come on then."
Narrator: Brutilla, Cain and Fenrila headed for the Bellowing Bishop, its faux-marble facade, the nobles within drinking and making merry as more than half undressed women of exceptional, and possibly artificially enhanced, beauty made the rounds of the tables. If Rat had been present she'd have noticed the signs between the toes and inner thighs of those visible that the 'working girls' were probably kept on a retainer by drug dependency, but none of that was noticeable to the noble or psyker.
Cain being an assassin was more perceptive and noticed these small, but informative signs as he entered with the other two, not at all surprised.
Brutilla von Solarus : She took a look around, ignoring the female... staff. And walked towards the reception desk to inquire about the possibility of acquiring a number of rooms for a extended stay.
NPC: "Can I help you maam?" The man behind the desk asked. He was tall and sleekly dressed, more like a dancer than a concierge. The sight of a pistol belt bearing a couple of stub auto's revealed that he was also 'security' for any especially rowdy customers.
Brutilla von Solarus: "I hope you can." She offered a brief smile before she got to business. "I am Brutilla von Solarus, cleric of the God-Emperor and I would like to acquire two to three rooms, for two people each. I am on leave with several others, six in total, though one of us is a tech priest with a cyber mastiff, I assume he can have his... pet with him? Servants of the Mechanicus rarely like to stay away from their constructs I believe."
NPC: "So long as it doesn't oil itself on the rugs." The man chuckled at his private joke, and catching the extremely unimpressed expression from Cain pulled himself together. "Of course of course, it'll be a hundred thrones a room, the rent is good for three days, though if you plan a longer stay I recommend paying in advance." He coughed as he looked at his slate. "Room Service is extra depending on what you order, we can also provide a morning wake up call if you wish, and use of the terminals is complimentary, use of the... girls, or men if you prefer, is also extra."
Brutilla von Solarus : "I think for any extra services we need to discuss as a group... though the use of the last I decline politely, thank you. I was wondering however if I could persuade you to lower the price you are asking, we might have a extended stay and you would earn it back no doubt."
"But if that is impossible I understand, I was wondering if you could provide directions to the cathedral however."
NPC: The man began blustering before straightening his jacket, "I am afraid that is quite impossible dear lady, this is an establishment of class, if you are after cheap, the Brass Icon or Wizard of Zo is to be more your liking." He managed to say without an insulting tone, or at least not MUCH of one. "But if you're after class, I'm afraid you'll have to meet the house prices. As for the Cathedral. There is one on LV-426 in Quadran PX-942-23, the locals call it 'the Bog' it's filth, I mean residents, could give you better directions from around there."
Brutilla von Solarus : She counted out 300 thrones in front of the man, mulling the bit about the cathedral over, that was not a promising start. "Thank you. I trust the rooms are either connected to each other or are directly next to each other?"
NPC: "Certainly" He nodded. "Fine rooms facing the most open space of the court. Though they do not share doors from room to room, they are next to one another." He said.
Cain "Grim" Callidon : Cain considered the situation and decided he'd want to check out these rooms, cover the windows, move the beds so they weren't in an easy place to fire on from the door, check the balcony to see if it was possible to get into and out of the rooms from there.
Brutilla von Solarus : Brutilla handed the keys to Cain when he seemed to show a interest in looking at them, while informing both him and Fenrila she wanted to start asking some questions to the current clientele present at the Bishop about any potential leads, Fenrila offering to assist her.
Cain "Grim" Callidon : Cain checked the rooms and found that they were fairly luxurious, though as expected, the windows faced onto a Balcony. He spent the next half hour re-arranging the rooms to a security conscious arrangement and made his way back down to the main room to watch the women. Especially Fenrila, he didn't need her being tricked into ending up working for this establishment, though with her fear of needles that was a defence she had.
Narrator: As Brutilla and Fenrila circle the main floor asking probing questions, with a degree of unexpected subtlety, fishing for rumours and stories, they begin to hear numerous stories.
Cain: Cain took the opportunity to check the datapad that had been slipped to him upstairs. The image on its face burned into his mind. The target's name. "Franco Del Corta" a Press-Gang Leader who had been pressing young nobility that frequented a place called the... Cain groaned, 'Bellowing Bishop' the very pub he was in, into service as ratings for the Imperial Navy. Some notable noble houses wanted him removed, publicly.
Narrator: Meanwhile the women were able to collate their stories. One of the more consistent was the moving of suspicious figures in and out of a place called the Phoenix club at all hours. While come nighttime it was as lively as any nightclub, the stories spoke of men and women who moved around the club and people parted like the sea before them and closed together as they passed as if they had never existed. Hooded robed figures.
Many of the rumours also claim that the man who owns and runs the Phoenix Club was a major Underboss in the Rayvens Underhive Gang and that he'd been getting concerned about being 'pushed out' by these strangers.
Cain: Cain made his way over to the Terminals and typed in a message for the Enclave. "Engineer Hal, we're present in the Bellowing Bishop." Cain typed in the co-ordinates for the Tech Priest. It'd be much easier for him than directions.
Brutilla von Solarus : Intrigued and after conferring with Fenrila, the two of them decided to inquire about the whereabouts of the real owner of the Phoenix club, perhaps he could offer more insight in the matter.
Narrator: The general answers were ignorance or the typical "The phoenix club would probably be a good start."
Brutilla von Solarus : She frowned but it had to do she supposed, next she asked Fenrila to ask her with something else, hoping she would go along without asking any questions, which she did thankfully as Brutilla next tried to converse and find out about anything strange going on during the sermons of the cathedral or if the sermons had changed all of a sudden.
Narrator: Despite them having heard the rumours going around LV-426, the general tone is one of mocking curiosity, the most common response being along the lines of 'Do we look like we come down here for Church?' followed by the speaker fondling one of the passing serving girls.
Brutilla von Solarus : She frowned but nodded, at least they had found out about the Phoenix that could result in some interesting leads. She thanked her conversation partners and moved away to look out for Cain and inform him about what she and Fenrila had discovered.
Cain: Cain listened with an analytical mind. The place apparently gave Fenrila the shivers, and even Rat seemed concerned about it. And yet he was a sniper, there was little support he would prefer to offer available, but who amongst them WAS the best suited? The dirty-urchin woman...
Brutilla von Solarus : She waved Hal over as he appeared, "I suppose now we need to wait for Cortez and Rat to return, to discuss what options we have and how to use them wisely."
Cain: Cain nodded. "I have some enquiries of my own to make." He shrugged and headed for the bar.
"Hey, I've got forty thrones if you happen to have any decent information about the whereabouts of a Franco Del Corta." Cain showed the barkeep the pad's image of the man.
The Barkeep leaned forwards. "Sure, I could tell you about Franco, goddamned skinflint comes in here every damned night, pays with shaved thrones and leads the 'adventuring party' he's guiding down into the give down Abbian Way, the main throughfare outside." The bartender's voice goes to a whisper, "E frightens me, so I don't say nuffin, but if something were ta 'appen to 'im i'd not shed a tear."
Cain smiled at the man and shuffled him the forty thrones. If this Franco were a skinflint this guy was so willing to sell out, shortchanging him might just lead him to tell Franco someone was looking for him.
Hal: Hal greeted the others, eager to share data he had uncovered but something needed to be discussed first in private to Cain, moving to the assassin. "Cain, would you be so cooperative as to show me where we will be sleeping here."
Cain: Cain nodded and lead Hal up the stairs to the three rooms that they'd secured. "What is it?" He asked when he thought they were out of earshot.
Hal: "What is it?" He querried and then frowned, "I just wished to see where we slept. Oh and to inform you about some interesting data." He then told Cain, in the Acolyte speak their inquisitor taught them, about his conversation with the Magos. Informing him about the cult that uses a manufactorum and that they might be linked if not one and the same Xenos infested cult they were searching proof about. He mentioned he needed to leave a device, but not what it was for or what it could do, just that it needed to be concealed within the target manufactorum which he believed he had found the whereabouts already thanks to some investigation. He finished the tale, staring at Cain, "I would like you assistance with this, as well as your discretion in this matter. The finer details must be kept to ourselves."
Cain nodded and showed the Tech-Priest to a room that he would share with Cortez.
Hal: "Thank you, now lets rejoin the others, I am eager to exchange data as soon as possible." Hal said, excited.
Fenrila : Meanwhile while the two forge worlders were plotting something, Fenrila had nervously told Brutilla about feeling rather... unnerved at the Phoenix club when it was clear they might venture there at some point in their investigation. "That place... it made my skin crawl, I don't know why."
Brutilla von Solarus : "I see." She said slowly, thinking this over, she had to admit, dealing with a psyker did not sit well with her but Fenrila seemed devout enough. She even had a aquila tattoo, she wished to explore the Cathedral more, probably due to her given task but if it is linked to the cult somehow. They would see whenever Cortez and Rat returned. "Maybe there were other psykers there?"
Cain: Coming down the stairs Cain sat down with the others. "Fenrila, you'll share a room with me, we don't need another 'incident' after all. Brutilla, if Cortez can actually manage to make Rat presentable enough, you mind keeping an eye on her in your room?" The implication of the last rooms occupants left plain.
Fenrila : She shook her head and then frowned. "Maybe... though I never felt like that around other psykers, might be something else there that is giving me the creeps." At the others rejoining she blinked, smiled slowly and then frowned, blinking again as she looked at Cain. Was he planning something? No, no she could trust him right? She had saved his life and he was just watching out for her, that was it, yeah.
Brutilla von Solarus: She nodded again and turned to Cain. "I suppose I can do that, I just wished she could see beyond our shared past. We are both in service to the inquisition, still I think due to my heritage she likes to try and irritate me, especially Cortez for some reason." She turned around and looked for the entrance. "Speaking of them, where are they?"
Cain: "They can't be far." Cain said. An observant person would notice Cain had picked the chair with its back to the wall.
Cortez Sigismund: Cortez had tried to convince Cybil a dozen times as they traversed the levels on their return to the Bellowing Bishop, that if she wanted to pull off the part she was dressed for, she would need to stop slouching, stand up straight, and stop ogling anything shiny that passed her vision. Unfortunately he was beginning to think the street rat might be something of a lost cause by the time they neared the Bishop.
“Do me one small favour if you will,” he said in a tone that indicated a resigned suffering. “Keep your mouth closed as we enter, you may be able to look and even walk the part if you try, but your manner of speech and vocabulary would clearly mark you as a pretender.” He concluded before slowly offering his arm for her to take in the appropriate fashion.
Rat : She stops tugging at the all too tight fabric meant for those of higher-breeding that seemed specifically designed to make it impossible to breathe, walk properly or even move much at all. With a dejected sigh, she lifts a far too white arm and threads it through Cortez'. Of course she stood out even more as one born of the void with the grit all-but eviscerated by the boutique. "Very well, I will... refrain, from my usual... Or at least, try to... I suppose."
Narrator: The Bouncers don't recognise Rat as she approaches though they do recognise Cortez. "Trading up eh sir. Good move getting one that knows what a bath is sir, gagging while shagging is never fun...." His compatriot coughts. "Sorry sir. No offence intended, your party is waiting inside."
Cortez Sigismund: "Thankyou." Cortez said with a small grin as he flipped the bouncers a throne each. Who the grin was for however was not implied.
Rat : She purses her lips into a thin line, biting her tongue. Just a little further and she could talk... This was just a test, well she wasn't going to fail that easily!
NPC: As Cortez and Rat enter the club both of them can overhear the other Bouncer saying to the first. "You fucking retarded Lummox, what would you have done if he'd challenged you to a duel? Said pretty please can I shit myself?"
Cortez Sigismund: "Wait till we're with the others." Cortez said quietly to Cybil as he spotted the others at a rear booth and instead started for the bar
Rat : She blinks in confusion, wondering for a few moments why they were not going directly to the group... She gives him a questioning look, trying to stand on her tippy-toes to see over the crowd. Was there trouble?
NPC: A young and very drunk young nobleman stands up, in a very vague definition of 'standing up' and steps in front of Cortez. "You sir!" He says with a thick slur, "Stud on my sadow!" His speech effected by his drunken stupor. "I demand shatishfacshun!"
Cortez Sigismund: Cortez had seen the rules of the Bishop writen quite clearly on the wall as he entered, specifically the no duelling rule.So rather than act as many self important nobles he had met over the years, bastards the lot of them, did he instead smiled warmly at the drunk and raised 1 hand in a none-threatening manner. "Then let me buy you another round as an apology." He said jovially as he signalled one of the wait-staff over to fulfil his words.
The fellow stopped and tried to focus on Cortez. "A drinksh you shay? I shuppose I could..."
The noble then proceeds to vomit all over Cortez's feet. "You knowsh what? I shink i'm done." And passes out onto the floor... in his own vomit puddle.
Cortez can see tears in the eye of a servingman who picks up the mop and bucket from behind the bar.
Cortez Sigismund: "I'm going to need new boots now." Cortez said with a sigh. before resuming his course to the bar.
Brutilla von Solarus : They all saw the commotion from their table, thinking they needed assistance but with what followed Bruttila just shook her head, hiding a small smile.
Hal: Hal looked at the scene, frowning, to the other 3 at the booth. "It simply does not compute, why would anyone drink so much to do that without a means to neutralize the toxins? It simply baffles logic."
Rat : Rat stifles a small amused chuckle, following Cortez. So maybe this could be more her type of scene. Nobles making idiots of themselves... and ripe for the picking too!
Cain: "Early to rise and early to drink leaves a man stupid, drunk, asleep in his stink." Cain remarked in a singsong voice.
Fenrila : Fenrila just shrugged, she didn't consume alcohol... it did... funny stuff to her. "Some things cannot be explained."
Hal: Hal scoffed at that remark. Everything could be explained, it was just the question if the Omnisiah allowed it to be explained. He did not voice that out loud due to the cleric at the table, he knew how they viewed the Cult Mechanicus at times.
Cain: "Like why people would invent a game where people who understand the rules can literally never win." Cain pointed out thinking of Tic Tac Toe.
Cortez Sigismund: Arriving at the bar without further impediments Cortez signalled the bartender. "A round of drinks for the rear booth if you will, one of the better brews thankyou." He said before looking towards the booth and reconsidering... "Better make that three brews and three waters I think." he added as he considered the people in the group.
Rat : Rat curses inwardly. If he hadn't changed that, she would have been more than happy to drink what the others would have passed up.
Cain: "That'll be 123 thrones." The Bartender said as he poured three shots of Liquid of Amberic, a very high quality drink indeed, and three glasses of water.
Cortez Sigismund: "Of course." Cortez said as he fished out the thrones. It was daylight robbery but it was better not to make a fuss and keep up appearances instead he thought.
Rat : Rat raises her brow in utter surprise before leaning closer to Cortez, murmuring, "Sij, all this money you've thrown about today. A girl might think you're trying to impress her or something."
Cortez Sigismund: "If money is all it takes to impress you then i certainly wouldn't be interested." Cortez remaked dryly
Rat : She snorts and shakes her head, "No, its that prickly attitude that seals the deal, obviously. Like hugging a cactus."
Hal: Hal turned to K-9, "See what is taking them so long and guide them back to the booth." He muttered and then added in binary. <"Take samples of the vomit if there are any left by the staff and analyze it.">
NPC: The Cyberhound heads over to the pile of vomit and samples it, and is only able to relay that it's only human vomit lacking any real scientific analysis equipment before heading to herd Cortez and Rat over to the booth with threatening barks.
Rat: Rat eyes the water, tempted to see what the liquid would do to a cyber-mastiff... Or maybe that was only cyber-felines? She puzzles over the idea, moving a few steps away from the dog and shoots a glare at Hal.
Cortez Sigismund: "Call off the mutt, Hal." Cortez said over his microbead as he started towards the booth with three of the drinks, the alcholic ones specifically, leaving Cybil to bring the waters.
Hal: Hal muttered something in binary, He thought at the mastiff.
Hal muttered something in binary, 'Silence K-9, disable irritate angry neighbor mode' He thought at the mastiff.
Rat: She follows with a sigh, grabbing the water and setting them down at the center of the table, threatening to tip the water out towards Hal by absolute accident once before reconsidering it as a phantom twinge hits, reminding her of the last time she dealt with a canid of any sorts, leave alone one with far sharper metal teeth.
Hal: Sensing K-9 was for some reason going to go into full 'hell bark mode' he grabbed the mastiff by the neck. <"Quiet."> He said in binary, while muttering soothing words in binary to it.
NPC: K-9 fought the orders as a primitive part of its hound brain railed against the orders. It LIKED barking. Instead it nipped at Hal, harmlessly, but enough to convey the displeasure of its machine spirit and being quietened in such an undignified manner.
Fenrila : Fenrila covered her ears and winced. "Can't you do something about that?"
Hal: Hal stood up towering over his disloyal pet. <"Quiet K-9, or it is the screwdriver for you!">
Cain: Cain looked at the hound. "If you keep barking the bad magos will be around to neuter you."
K-9 silenced himself with a canine whine, though in response to whom, we'll never know.
Cain: "So... what are we going to do?" Cain asked as Cortez and Rat sat down and he took a glass of water watching the door.
Hal: <"Good dog, I'll see about using some sacred oil in the near future on your parts."> He blinked and noticed as if for the first time the rest of the party. "Ah, apologies. His machine spirit was irritated it seems." He then turned to Cortez. "No doubt our glorious leader wished to know where I went, well let me tell you...." Hal went in, detailing lasciviously, all in acolyte speak, about the greatness of the Omnisiah and the Enclave of his faithful on this world, until one of them probably told him to get to the point. He told them that the Enclave suspect certain activity from a manufactorum that might have a link to the Xenos infestation they are here to investigate. Finishing that he also had found the location from which they operate for further detailed investigation.
He finished with, "It might implicate that whatever they are up to, if they are one and the same, these Xenos might require vehicles for something."
Rat: All but ignoring Hal for the most of his mechanicus ranting, she pulls out the note that had been slipped into her pocket hours ago and starts her attempts to try and figure out what it said.
Narrator: As she pulls out the note she sees a series of pictures, they're probably words, but the real key was the drawing, a very detailed one, of an item that looked like it belonged in a Cathedral's reliquary. Her target for theft most likely.
Brutilla von Solarus : "I see... we also discovered something after making some inquiries." She turned to Cortez. "Apparently suspicious figures are getting in and out of the Phoenix club, hooded robed figures. Sounds like people hiding something at least. The man who owns the club, we didn't get a name, is or was a major underboss of the Rayvens Underhive gang and it is said he was getting concerned about being pushed out by these strangers. Perhaps we can locate him and find out more." She cleared her throat. "Also... I wish to investigate the Cathedral. I have... heard some concerning stories I wish to investigate if there is any truth to them." She didn't want to say more, if the faithful at the cathedral were turned, then it might cause unwanted panic.
Narrator: Hal, looking over Rat's shoulders reads in a broken low gothic. "If you can read this, stop reading over people's shoulders. It's rude and we know Rat can't read. Stupid git."
Rat : Rat perks up at the mention of the cathedral, what with her pretty drawing here in her hand, it made sense. In the acolyte tongue she answers "Both good, but I'm thinking the boss probably is still in action. The whole Phoenix Club reeks of a cover-up."
Hal: Hal mutters something in binary. <"How rude."> The pictures were rather, simplistic but when he noticed it was related to the imperial church he ignored it, not worth his time.
Fenrila : She coughed and nervously raised a hand. "Uhm, can I say something?"
Rat: "You remember how to, right?" she arches a brow.
Fenrila : She blinked, "Of course I do... why wouldn't I?" She frowned and looked odd at Rat, "What are you implying?"
Cain: Cain looked at Cortez "I think your 'wife' needs another slap around the back of the head."
Rat: Rat smirks and shakes her head as if she knew something Fen didn't.
Cortez Sigismund: "You could be right. Cortez replies to cain as he raises an eyebrow ar Cybil.
Brutilla von Solarus : She smiled and nodded to Fenrila, "Feel free to speak up." Figuring what Fenrila wanted to say.
Rat: She gulps and stops trying to play games with the psyker for now.
Fenrila : "Thanks." She murmured to the cleric noble and then cleared her throat. "That place, the Phoenix one, it... well it gave me a wrong feeling, as in my talents warned me of it, might be a good place to look but... well just guessing here, if I can feel something that gives me the shivers, then that what gives me that feeling could sense me too, just saying."
Rat: She frowns leaning in, "If anything, these Hood-guys may be the cause. Or maybe the club is in over their heads, but I don't think gangers are so into the whole deal. Not any I remember. Its hard enough to get around the arbites without inquisitors sniffing around."
Cain: Cain had been saved by Fenrila's senses before and wasn't about to discount it in any way, especially since they hadn't ordered any seafood to otherwise blame an ill feeling on. Though he was beginning to suspect that Rat preferred 'seafood' so to speak.
Brutilla von Solarus: Brutilla looked around and then at Cortez. "I actually think that if we go after the Phoenix, we should first find out where the owner is and question him. Perhaps by asking about the Rayven Underhive gang in one of the other establishments we could have taken rooms?" She looked directly at Rat. "Perhaps Rat her could be even be of better assistance with that."
Cortez Sigismund: "She'll need to change for that." Cortez said sternly
Rat: Rat raises her drink, sipping from it before smirking, adding in a joking, "Yeah, well what's in it for me?"
Cain: "Continuing to work for the Inquisition instead of being shot in the head by one of the two nobles here seems like a good offer Rat." Cain remarked in the cant taught to them.
Rat: Rat purses her lips, glaring at Cain and shifts a little away from Cortez and Brutilla, <"Now, now. Let's not get trigger-happy.">
Brutilla von Solarus: She looked shocked at those words of Cain. "Excuse me, I wouldn't shoot anyone for such a thing, unless they did commit acts of crime or heresy that warrants such action." She shook her head.
Cortez Sigismund: "I might consider it..." Cortez said before taking a long drink.
Hal: Hal cocked his head, "Do share your considerations, illustrious and illuminated leader. Where will we continue our investigation." Meanwhile the water in front of him was still untouched.
Rat: She gives a hurt look at Cortez before draining the lost of her liquor in one long pull. Setting her glass back on the table she stands, "Fine. Let's go check out the club, then. We're just wasting time here at this point."
Cain: Cain turned to Brutilla <"Refusing to do the duty of the Inquisition given her would be both treason and heresy. Executionable offences."> Cain pointed out.
Brutilla von Solarus: She looked Cain in the eyes, unflinching. "I am aware, but she was not refusing to do her duty, she was asking for a reason, which we just gave her, her duty to the inquisition." She took a small sip from her drink.
Cain: <"Exactly my point."> Cain grinned.
Narrator: Of all the people to walk into the bar next. Franco Del Corta came waltzing in through the bar entrance and looked around surveying the bar, he noticed the group of acolytes and moved on, they looked too able for his schemes and settled on a group of partially drunk nobles, about nine of them and began to ply his trade.
The others at the table would have noticed, for a moment, Cain's sudden shift in attention.
Cortez Sigismund: "4th gens can sometimes manifest psychic abilities, Cortez said putting down his glass. "That could account for the feeling Fenrilla had. that and robes would be a relatively easy method to hide the differences of the appearance of and 3rd gens. the Pheonix seems like a good bet, for information if nothing else." he said before scratching his chin in thought. "I wonder if maybe we should split into two groups however." he then added
Rat : She frowns, leaning in closer to Cain and inquires, <"Someone you know and we should?">
Hal: Hal eagerly leaned forward, his mechadendrite accidentally brushing against Rat's shoulder. "Apologies." And he let the mechanical arm rear up again. "I would strongly suggest a team going to investigate what I uncovered."
Cain: Cain watched him out of the corner of his eye. <"Just a job."> Cain answered Rat. <"That's all I can say for now.">
Rat: She slaps the mechadendrite away with a snarl, moving back. Machines should be bolted to the wall and stationary, not moving about willy-nilly like this! <"Got it. Don't need to know anymore than that.">
Cain: <"I'd recommend against splitting up however, these ARE genestealers we're talking about, the more we divide our firepower the less likely we are to easily walk out of encountering one.">
Brutilla von Solarus : "I don't know if we should split up actually, from what we have heard, these are not easy to handle if we encounter them in a fight. But it is up to you Cortez, you have overall command." She finished saying with a determined nod Cain remarked.
Cortez Sigismund: "Our orders are not to fight, simply locate, we are the eyes of the inquisition in this instance, not its arm." Cortez reminded them, "If it does come to a fight of course you are correct, one has to consider all options though."
Cain: "I'd rather take extra time to work as a team than halve the time it takes and get half of us killed." Cain said. Mostly meaning himself, he wasn't as resistant to damage as, well, anyone else on the team, even the dog was harder to kill than he was.
Brutilla von Solarus : "THat might be the wisest course of action, well then, where do we head first? The Phoenix? Or perhaps first investigate the whereabouts of its owner, he might be there but if he fears he was being pushed out maybe he would have relocated to a safer location?" She shrugged, "I might be mistaken in my thinking of course."
Cortez Sigismund: "Very well." Cortez replied, "Let us check out the Phoenix first then shall we. Depending on what we find there we can look at checking other places."
Rat : <"I say we keep rust bucket here waiting on his place til last,"> she smirks, having taken note of just how much he was putting pressure on the group to go to the Enclave.
Hal: He looked at Rat, his expression unreadable and retreated back, his mechadendrite twitching lightly.
Cortez Sigismund: "As I see it we could head out now, though considering the time we may get their well before 'expected' times." Cortez said to the group with a sort of dismissive gesture. "Or we could wait here a few hours, prepare a little more and then go. Which do ou each prefer?"
Brutilla von Solarus: She shrugged, "I am fine either way."
Cain: Cain shrugged. "I'm easy, when we're ready though the nightlife might give us more cover. Clubs tend to be quiet during the day."
Fenrila : She shuffled her feet under the table. "I think it might be best I stay away from that place if we investigate it, or stay outside, because I wouldn't want unwanted attention be drawn upon us due to my presence."
Cortez Sigismund: "I beg to differ Fenrilla, Your presence may be all the warning we get if our quarry is indeed there." Cortez replied to the psyker
Hal: "I also wonder if such places, often receive visitations from people of my order, though I suppose I might simply be a associate forced to tarry along as if nobody cares about a servant of the Omnisiah."
Fenrila: She just shrugged, "Don't say I didn't warned you I suppose." She murmured, proceeding to finish her water.
Rat: Rat sighs, crossing her arms, "Fen, relax. It's better if you stick with us, the Hoods are one deal, but there's no telling with the gangs around here... Besides, just because we end up there together does not mean we have to look like a group. Perhaps better we don't. Otherwise, it might be harder to get any information."
Cortez Sigismund: "Cybil is right, once there we may want to mingle seperately or in groups of 2, we can all stay in contact with our microbeads after all.
Cain: Cain nodded. "I'll guard Fenrila from excessively touchy-feely clubbers."
Narrator: For a few hours the team prepared itself for it's planned excursion into the dangerous nightlife of the Phoenix club, the light outside not changing much due to light from the surface not generally reaching that deep into the hive anyway the majority of lighting being the glowtube lighting across the underhive.
Making their way they found the Phoenix Club ong before they saw it, the sounds coming from within suggesting that they had a mutant 'pound' band in live playing.
The exterior of the bar was a heavy Baroque, and disgustingly purple painted facade of a building with no windows visible at all, only crude sheet metal spot-welded over there they once were. Outside of the closest doors they could see four men stood guard. A pair of them, closest to the door, sporting pistols as the other two wielded compact autoguns.
Rat: Rat adjusts her weight, having changed back into her streetwear (and feeling so much more comfortable thanks to that,) and now had her Carnodon concealed in the folds of her clothes, brass-knuckles hidden beneath the surface of her gloves as she strides up to talk to the first of the bouncers, "So what's the house special tonight? Anything fun?"
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